Equipment rental software: Setup OskarOS in easy steps!

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Equipment Rental Software

OskarOS is designed to be used as an equipment rental software, making your rental services efficient and user-friendly for various industries.

This expanded guide uses the case study of medical equipment rental or leasing, to demonstrate how OskarOS can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of your needs.

Please also have a look at our related example applications of OskarOS on furniture and staging rentals, sports equipment rentals and machinery and tool rentals.

Step 1: Create your OskarOS account

Equipment rental software: Setup OskarOS in easy steps!
  • Register on the OskarOS website to create a new account.
  • Access your dashboard to begin setting up your medical equipment rental service.

Step 2: Add your medical equipment as resources

Equipment rental software: Setup OskarOS in easy steps!
  • Use the resource wizard in the dashboard to add medical equipment as individual resources.
Equipment rental software: Setup OskarOS in easy steps!
  • Enter details for each item, like wheelchairs, crutches, home care beds, and respiratory machines, including name, brief, and extended descriptions.
  • Categorize similar items.
  • Set availability and indicate the total availability for each type of medical equipment.
  • Use the 'Max booking per customer' option to manage the distribution of equipment fairly.
Equipment rental software: Setup OskarOS in easy steps!

Step 3: Configure booking options for your equipment

  • Configure rental durations (hourly, daily, etc.) and prices for each item.
  • Add multiple booking choices for each item, allowing different rates for short-term versus long-term rentals.
Equipment rental software: Setup OskarOS in easy steps!

Step 4: Customize your equipment rental booking page

Equipment rental software: Setup OskarOS in easy steps!
  • Go to Settings > Booking page setup and personalize your booking page with your brand’s logo, tagline, and chosen background.

Step 5: Promote your booking page and receive your first bookings

Equipment rental software: Setup OskarOS in easy steps!
  • Share your unique booking link from the dashboard through your website, social media, email campaigns, or brochures to start accepting your first bookings

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