Terms and conditions

Welcome to OskarOS! We want you to enjoy using our platform, therefore we have kept these terms and conditions as short and simple as possible.

Here's what you need to know:

Account creation:

  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • Get permission to create an account for someone else.
  • Keep your account details safe and use it responsibly.
  • Choose a suitable booking link name, no offensive or misleading ones.
  • The pure act of reserving/collecting booking links is not allowed. If you do not use your booking link for a continuous period of 180 days, OskarOS reserves the right to claim this link and/or to give it to another user.

Content guidelines:

  • You're responsible for your content and must have rights to post it.
  • Content shouldn't harm others, be misleading, or contain harmful code.
  • No automated scripts, unauthorized advertising, or solicitations.
  • We’re not responsible for any content, products or services made available trough users' profiles.

Use of your content:

  • By sharing content, you give us permission to use and display it.
  • You keep your rights, but others can see and share it too.

Platform ownership:

  • OskarOS owns the platform, and you have limited rights to use it.

Subscription & fees:

  • Free and paid plans: Choose between our free and paid subscription plans.
  • Trial period: Paid plans include a free 14-day trial period.
  • Cancellation during trial: You can cancel your subscription at any time during the trial period. If you do not cancel within the trial period, the billing cycle will commence.
  • Payment terms: All fees are due on time. Some services may incur additional transaction fees.

Changes and cancellation of your account

  • Changes to our platform or terms may occur.
  • We will try to notify you of significant changes in advance.
  • Continued use after changes means acceptance of the revised terms.
  • If you disagree, you can cancel your account.
  • Non-compliance with these terms may lead to account suspension or limited platform access.
  • Fees not paid on time could result in a switch to a free plan with fewer features.

Privacy & data:

  • We care about your privacy; check our privacy policy.
  • Data generated on OskarOS belongs to us.

Liability & disclaimer:

  • We are not liable for any damages resulting from your use of the Platform.
  • You are responsible for backing up your own data and content.
  • You agree to indemnify us for any losses resulting from your breach of these terms or any third-party claims related to your content.
  • Neither party will be liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages, even if we were aware of the possibility.
  • Our liability to you under these Terms or the Platform will not exceed the greater of the fees you paid or $100.


  • Your feedback is valuable to us, but we have the freedom to use it without compensation or obligation.
  • By using OskarOS, you agree to these terms.
  • These terms are the whole agreement.
  • Any applicable laws come before these terms.

Contact us at hi[a]oskaros.com if you have questions.