Happy Halloween: Sneak Preview of OskarOS 0.4 and 0.5

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Happy Halloween: Sneak Preview of OskarOS 0.4 and 0.5

At OskarOS, we are committed to continuously improving your booking experience and ensuring your customers or guests have the best possible experience. Get ready to elevate your bookings with these upcoming functions all designed to improve tour, class and event management:

In OskarOS 0.4, you'll soon have access to:

🎃 Restrict Booking Period: Whether it's a 10-week course or a spooky Halloween dinner, OskarOS 0.4 will empower you to easily set booking restrictions based on timeframes, offering you unparalleled flexibility in managing bookings.

🎃 Improved Multiple Availability: Say goodbye to limitations! With release 0.4, OskarOS is evolving to provide even better support for multiple availability and booking options. This means you can offer your resources, such as courses or your ghoulish gatherings, multiple times and effortlessly keep track of participants, meeting your audience's needs seamlessly.

🎃 Multiple Booking: Convenience is key, especially during Halloween's eerie festivities. With multiple booking, attendees can make multiple bookings in one go. We're also introducing a shopping cart feature, allowing your customers or guests to conveniently assemble their desired basket of booking options all at once. No more hassle when signing up a group of witches and warlocks or securing seats for friends and family at your spooky dinner. Booking has never been easier!

And for a sneak peek into OskarOS 0.5:

🎃 Bundle Booking Options: Looking to create a bookable series of events? OskarOS has you covered with our upcoming bundling feature. Effortlessly wrap multiple sessions into one enticing package, making it irresistible for your guests to join in on the fun.

Please note that while we're working diligently on these exciting updates, they won't be available for this Halloween. Stay tuned for the official releases, and in the meantime, enjoy your Halloween celebrations! 🌟🎃👻

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