Campsite booking system

Your campsite’s best season starts with OskarOS.

Campsite booking systemFynn 43, Campsite manager

Experience a campsite booking system that goes beyond just scheduling. With OskarOS, enhance your site’s operational efficiency, amplify guest satisfaction, and secure a competitive advantage in the bustling outdoor accommodation market.

Discover the OskarOS edge

Strategic benefits tailored for campsite success

Every campsite manager faces the challenges of maximizing occupancy, simplifying booking processes, and ensuring guest satisfaction. With our campsite booking system, these challenges turn into opportunities.

Enhanced professional image

Present a sophisticated face to potential visitors.

Quick setup

Launch in minutes, simplifying your management tasks immediately.


Easily tailor our platform to fit the unique needs of your campsite.


Both campers and admins navigate with ease.

Responsive support

Quick, helpful responses to ensure smooth operations.

Lightning-fast technology

Enjoy lightning-fast operations, making bookings and management a breeze.

See it in action

Simplify your campsite operations with one system

OskarOS integrates your booking, management, and marketing needs into a seamless interface, making it easier than ever to manage your campsite efficiently while focusing on what really matters—your guests’ experience.

Feature spotlight

Comprehensive features for comprehensive management

Our booking page is particularly helpful in the campsite industry because it simplifies the booking process for your guests. With OskarOS, you can customize your booking page to match your brand, offer real-time availability and pricing, and accept payments online. Our booking page also allows guests to view campsite maps, amenities, and activities, so they can choose the perfect spot for their stay.

Simple booking management

Effortlessly track all your bookings to manage capacity and stay organized.

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Overnight booking mode

Tailor your booking system for accommodation resources with specialized pricing and display features.

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Multiple bookings per resource

Enable customers to book a single resource multiple times, ideal for group activities or identical items.

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Resource-specific calendars

Assign unique calendars and availability schedules for each resource.

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Admin-powered bookings

Effortlessly schedule appointments on behalf of your clients with our user-friendly admin booking feature.


Client booking limits

Control the number of bookings per client for high-demand resources, ensuring fair access and optimal utilization.

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Email notifications

Stay updated with instant email alerts for new bookings, cancellations, and any necessary changes to schedules.

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Online payment - Coming soon

Get ready for the convenience of online payments, enhancing the booking experience for your clients.

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Begin your transformation

Set up your custom booking page in just 2 minutes.

Transition from traditional to exceptional with easy integration of OskarOS into your existing website, enhancing the conversion of site visitors into booked guests.

Booking page OskarOS


User-friendly software,
wallet-friendly prices




Sign up FREE
  • 3 resources included
  • 1 course/event
  • 100 monthly bookings
  • 1 business location
Basic booking functions



Buy plan
  • 5 resources included
  • 5 courses/events
  • 500 monthly bookings
  • 5 business locations
Advanced booking functions

Frequently asked questions

Looking for a free campsite booking system?

Start with OskarOS and explore the benefits of our campsite booking system. Manage up to three resources absolutely free and see how it transforms your campsite operations. From real-time booking capabilities to seamless integration with your existing marketing efforts, our system is designed to enhance your operational efficiency and guest satisfaction. With customizable interfaces and mobile compatibility, you can ensure a smooth experience for both you and your campers, anywhere and anytime. Don’t wait, elevate your campsite management today!